We design + we create

Welcome to Xoho, where innovation takes shape through the fusion of design and technology. Based in Sydney, Australia, Xoho is at the forefront of a transformative journey in product creation.

I am Alex, the founder of Xoho and an industrial Designer with over 20 years of experience designing homewares for household brands such as Rubbermaid, The Decor Corporation and Willow Ware Australia amongst others. I am also the design director at Xpressions Design Studio where we design and create new products for other clients.

The journey began with the simple yet revolutionary idea of turning design concepts into tangible, functional products using cutting-edge 3D printing technologies. This marriage of creativity and technology allows us to rapidly prototype and refine designs, reducing the traditional time and resource constraints that often hinder innovation. From intricate details to ergonomic precision, Xoho brings imagination to life in ways that were once thought impossible.

Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of design means that new and captivating creations are added to our portfolio continuously. Each product tells a story of creativity, innovation, and the remarkable possibilities that 3D printing unlocks. To stay updated on our latest designs and breakthroughs, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter.

Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the landscape of product design.

Australia 3d printing icon

Designed and 3d Printed in Australia

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that enables the creation of fully functional objects from digital models. A 3D printer builds objects layer by layer until the desired shape is achieved.

In its early stages, 3D printing was solely focused on the creation of prototypes given the limited range of materials and colours available as well as the poor surface quality and slow speeds at which parts could be printed. 

As the technology evolved so did the new 3D printers and materials. There are now a very extensive range of materials colours and finishes available that can produce great quality products with finishes and physical properties comparable to those of products found in the market.

This technology enables designers to turn their imaginative concepts into tangible realities with remarkable precision and efficiency. At Xoho we embrace this technology and intend to use it to produce beautiful functional products for your home.